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Should corruption in government be allowed? Should Ukraine comprimise?

  Finland and South Korea comprimised and survived.  Should Ukraine? Good to see that both nations are thriving today because they compromised BUT if anyone in my family was killed in a war, I would spend the rest of my life getting revenge.  I wouldn't care about the future and would race to my death to get even.  my gut tells me that this is the case in Gaza and Ukraine but not Taiwan because no fighting has started there What about Alexander Hamilton's belief that people in government should be allowed to steal a little but not a lot to keep their interest in preserving the social contract.  That is clearly what Trump is doing, sending his two sons and son in law all over the world to grab up as much as they can.  And I wonder what deal Trump has with Musk?  Is a little bit of government corruption ok?  You will probably say "no" but I disagree.  35 years ago my father was handed the task of what to do with William Grey who stole millions ...

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