My dream comes true! With my $2,000,000 gift the art of natural history illustration is going to be taught at the University of South Carolina!!!

Slowly but surely the syllabus of teaching about the natural world using the artworks of artists from the 16th through 20th centuries is coming into existence.

With my $2,000,000 gift to the University of South Carolina, a program in the Library will be started to give students the opportunity to view the woodcuts, engravings, aquatints, lithographs and chromolithographs created from the original watercolors and oil paintings.   Our stock of all forms of this artwork is the largest in the world and it is time for me to give back.

In the end finding and creating a way to excite college students about this spectacular art form will give meaning and purpose to this passion of mine of the last 40 years.

Here is a copy of the e mail that was received yesterday giving me this exciting news:


Friday afternoon, the Board of Trustees approved the gift agreement! 

Let’s think of some of the next steps that need to take place.  I know Elizabeth and Patrick wanted to amend the list of items to avoid duplication.

You had also mentioned the need for us to have appropriate cases to store the materials.  We will probably have to bid the cases, so I will rely on of all of you to determine the specifications and the number of the cases and I will get the bid process underway.

What have I forgotten?


Thomas F. McNally
Dean of Libraries
Thomas Cooper Library
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
