
Incredibly sophisticated gambling. That is all this is. These are arguments and discussions about how to make it even more difficult to figure out this game with layer upon layer of proposed new "rules." These proposed rules throw a bone to the lawyers and accountants and elected officials to make them actually believe that this whole process is worthwhile when in fact they are perpetuating a way for this massive waste of brain power to continue.

What this newspaper calls "computers talking to computers" is really very, very bright people trying to create systems that will beat other gamblers on a process that does nothing at all to benefit the hard working people of the United States. NOTHING.

And these brilliant gamblers own 90% of the fine homes in America and pay no taxes "saying" they are earned off shore when they are not.

The "system" will correct itself with events like last week. No one with a brain will trust this ridiculous system anymore. Before Buffet sold out his integrity to Goldman, he loved to say that virtually all the profits of American Industry ended up in the pockets of these so called "bankers" and "traders." Now he is more one of them than the manufacturer and man of industry that he once was.
