Independence Hall

During the last few days the thought of your collection being used to inspire millions of people has captured my imagination.

384,000 people visited Independence Hall last year. There is no other historical site where maps could be displayed that is even close to that number.

It has been my great pleasure to be involved with arranging gifts to Independence Hall since 1974 - 36 years and it is my feeling that there is no better place in the world where your world class collection documenting the fight in Philadelphia for freedom could be better appreciated.

And your collection is just about a perfect fit with the maps that they already have.

It is my suggestion that you give the the directors of Independence National Historic Park a chance to visit with you and see your collection. They in turn would like to give you and Warren and your children and grandchildren a private tour of Independence Hall and show you where they would display your iconic cartographic masterpieces.

They are aware that other institutions are in the running for your collection and intend to make their best points in favor of their site.

These people are passionate, honest, decent, hard working government employees who spend our tax dollars well. To give them a chance to meet someone like you would be elegant gift on your part. It is my strong feeling that people like this need our support in these turbulent times where lowered standards of living mean a lot more sharing for all of us.
