A letter from Richard Ovendon, Librarian at the Bodleian. The best letter than any book dealer could ever hope to receive!

Dear Graham

Thank for for a truly stunning visit. It was a REAL thrill to see you Atlas Room – one of the great book rooms in the world, with those fabulous Ptolemies and Saxtons etc etc. And then the rest of the two premises were so full of incredible things that my head is still swimming with it all. I feel like uttering the words of Howard Carter when asked what he saw when he peered  into the tomb of Tutankhamun: ‘wonderful things’.

Thank you too for introducing me to your wonderful staff and for lunch and sharing your home with me!

We will continue to be in touch about many things, and your interest in the Marks of Genius project is really encouraging.  Also, make sure Walter emails me when he gets to Oxford.

When are you next in the UK?

As ever

