An Afternoon of American Ornithology

It is always a joy to have someone truly passionate about the natural world and ornithology at my gallery. Yesterday we were pleased to host two such people – Mr. Joseph Ellis, a member of the National Audubon Society, and Mr. David Yarnold its President and CEO.

After a tour through both my 72nd street and 1016 Madison Avenue galleries to look at our American bird prints, books and watercolors, we sat down to lunch where we discussed the future of the National Audubon Society, and the sad reality that more organizations compete than work together in this country. There really should be more harmony between forces, big and small, who are working towards the same initiatives. It reminded me of my beloved friend Dick Bressler’s idea to combine all of the separate historical societies in Minnesota into one multi-functional entity, and it now, in one state of the art facility is the home to 26 historic sites and museums, a library, several collections, state archives, educational programs, historic preservation and statewide outreach programs. This just makes sense!

We also spent time discussing the notion that this country is lacking a national museum devoted to the history of American ornithology. How wonderful would it be to see Audubon, Fuertes, Catesby, Jaques and Peterson, to name only a few, under the same roof.  Mr. Ellis is particularly keen to develop this idea and to see that this concept
become a reality just as it has been my dream to use works of art to elevate the study of natural history to educate younger generations.

At the end of our meeting it was my pleasure to contribute $2,500 to the National Audubon Society, a gesture that I hope will continue to enhance its programs.
