Offering of the Day: A Detailed Panorama of Washington, DC

District of Columbia
Panorama of Washington
First in War, First in Peace, and First in the Hearts of his Countrymen
Paper size:8 3/4 x 31 3/4 inches
Framed: 17 1/2 x 40 1/2 inches
Hand-colored engraving
New York: Charles Magnus, circa 1865

Features a large portrait of George Washington and a view of the Capitol, as well as 31 smaller vignettes of Washington sights. The Freedom sculpture, which had been placed atop the Capitol building late in 1863, is prominently featured.

All other vignettes are as follows:
Mount Vernon, Tomb of Washington, House of Representatives, US Senate, US Genl Post Office, West Front of the Capitol, US Treasury, Observatory, War Department, Jackson Monument, Willard Hotel, US Navy Yard, US Arsenal, Matthew Church, City Hall, Trinity Church, Georgetown College, Georgetown, National Hotel, Lunatic Asylum, US Patent Office, Smithsonian Institute, Mills Statue of Washington, Dedicated to Fine Arts
