A wonderful relationship with the University of Tennessee

Dear Ron

Thank you so much for your kind email to me on January 9th.

Your record as an outstanding teacher was a pleasure to read and motivates me to reach out to you to see if we can add some more maps to your fine building.    It is my feeling that using the McClung Museum as the registrar is a good idea but am happy to work with you however you and my friend, Jefferson Chapman feels is best. 

It is also my feeling that the display of the maps with compelling, informative signage is an excellent course.  This way we get the attention of your students 270 days a year rather than in a library of or art museum where we would be lucky to have them see them even once.   

In the past the museum has come up with the funding for the framing at my cost.  

Regarding proof of use please know that this is very important to me.  My friends at the IRS have made it clear that USE is an important part of qualifing for a gift and this wish gets my enthusiastic agreement.   So anything you can send me showing this would be greatly appreciated.  If you have rules against sending me student papers, then getting outlines of assignments would be almost as good.  

It is also my feeling that displaying outstanding student analysis along side the maps (with their permission of course) would be a wonderful way to generate interest.

I am copying Jeff Chapman, Robin Bonner and Theresa Melchiorre to keep them informed on our ongoing discussions. 

it is a matter of great happiness that you and Jeff have given me the privildedge to be involved with your fine University.

Hope to see you in NYC someday.



Arader Galleries, 1016 Madison Avenue, NYC, NY, 10075
