New York City June 2, 2020. What I saw. And what is coming up at auction on June 13, 2020

Walked among the protesters last night - mostly young men frantically peeling away recently installed plywood barriers looking for sneakers, jewelry, handbags and food with little seeming concern for implementing social justice.  There were a few vulture girlfriends with bulbous thighs encased in challenged spandex directing what bags to grab.   This furious beehive approach to vandalism would explosively vanish when a phalanx of roaring police cars approached.   

The most interesting group of people were the massively muscled, ominous, brooding ex cops hired to patrol a number of stores from 62nd to 79th on Madison.  Our friends from Harlem gave them a wide berth even at twenty-five to one.   I found a way to make friends with the two protecting Mike Bloomberg's foundation contiguous to my gallery on Madison and slept soundly knowing they were there. 

Tonight is going to be much worse supposedly.

Here is a link to our auction on June 13th -

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