What I did on September 11, 2001.

 Because I had won his tennis tournament the year before, Warren Buffet sat me next to him at the breakfast before the Buffet Tennis and golf tournament on September 11, 2001.  The breakfast was at 7 am at the Strategic Air Command - USSTRATCOM.  We were given a tour of the Museum there and then went 6 stories down to the Center for breakfast.

There was a video screen for us all to witness the two jets flying into the World Trade Center.  50 of the fortune 500 CEO's were in the room (tickets to the event cost $7500 that you gave to the Boy's Club so it was fairly exclusive)

At our table was the Admiral in charge of the base.  When I suggested that the buildings were at risk, he ridiculed me and said that two jets flying into that building was like two gnats flying into a large tree.  He said that they were sending in police and firemen because it was 100% safe.  Nothing would happen.

Everyone was then escorted out of the building with gun toting Marines because George Bush was on his way there.  We all got back on the buses and were taken to the Omaha Country Club.  Of course all the swells called up their pilots to be flown home but all air traffic was closed down so we all played some tennis and golf and at lunch Buffet got up to talk "off the record" for 30 minutes

What was most amazing about this whole day was the Buffet had already figured out how much he had lost and told us.  $1.1b

Then he said that because American managers were the best in the world, we would easily survive this disaster and that the USA would be better than ever.

With that, all of these amazing men and women rose to their feet and cheered him frenziedly!

