Corruption in China and New York City. Thank you Mike Bloomberg!!! Also a reply to the WSJ story about Xi's campaign to root our graft.

 The greatest period in the history of NYC - the 12 years of Michael Bloomberg as mayor - were certainly greatly enhanced by his focus on reducing coruption with his greatest win the conviction of Sheldon Silver. What a delight for me finally not to be acosted by every NYC employee with a request for cash or harassment of my women employees. Thank you Mike.

Of course another New Yorker - Alexander Hamilton - believed that a little bit of correction would keep politians in line to support the government.

Xi is right to focus on this. No one on the planet loves money as much as the Chinese. It is why they will never go to war for anything because it will disrupt their world wide cash generating construct. The US is foolish to worry about a confrontation. The Chinese will always back down if their precious bank accounts are at risk. 
