How to increase the value of imporant rare books by 300 to 700%

The next step is to create a platform that defines condition. I wrote the "Arader Grading System" in 1979. It encountered resistance. Platforms exist for diamonds, stamps, coins, baseball cards, comic books, cars, hotel rooms, stocks - just about everything. But books can be so flawed that there has been passionate resistance because most dealer's inventory would be severely devalued. A platform can be very valuable. Just think what the New York Stock Exchange is worth! A respected, used platform would triple the value of your collection at least. And the owner of the platform would have something worth 15m to 40m. Key is that the "graders" would have to have the highest level of integrity, knowledge, experience and humanity. They could not be collectors or have a personal, vested interest in the field. And, of course, characters who were dishonest would have a strong governor on misrepresentation.
