A very interesting man asks who Julius Bien was and why he came to America.

The execution of Louis XVI in 1793 deeply affected the other crowned heads of Europe for over 60 years. After the Revolution of 1848 King Frederick William IV of Prussia especially drove out all skilled newspaper publishers, engravers, lithographers aggressively especially if they were Jewish. The biggest beneficiary was the USA in NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, Baltimore, Cincinnati, San Francisco, New Orleans, St. Louis creating a wonderful published corpus that is a significant part of my inventory today. They improved communication dramatically. Your Julius Bien chromolithograph is close to the very top of quality. Congratulations! Growing up in Philadelphia my parents' German Jewish friends who came to America during this period felt that they were a cut above their Russian brethren that immigrated between 1880 and 1920. But they turned out to be the greatest communicators of all time creating our best artform of the last 100 years - movies.
