A way to get a 100 times return on your money in the near future.

For $2,500,000 anyone in the oil industry will buy at least $250,000,000 of leverage owning the second finest collection of work of Maria Sibylla Merian. Yes. She was the first great woman natural history artist. Yes, she stepped up and divorced her husband in 1684 to lead the life she envisioned. Yes she was the first European born artist of the Americas - all good reasons to consider this collection now worth at least 4 times more. But the $3 trillion oil find off the coast of Surinam, enables any company (now Exxon, the Chinese oil company, Hess and Chevron) involved with the mercurial government of Suriname to illustrate highly sophisticated empathy toward their citizens. It is a certainty that those in power in Surinam will abritrarialry change the terms of their agreement when the money for this oil starts barreling in 3 years from now. The supporter of a museum devoted to the first woman artist of Surinam (Merian visited in 1699) will be a powerful governor to drive traditional business respect for the rule of law. Only Czar Peter the Great of Russia created a better collection of her work when Marian died in 1717 and he sent an agent to buy her estate. This is the second finest collection of her work in the world assembled and deeply researched over the last 30 years by Arader Galleries. A catalog of this corpus is available on request. Here is a letter that I will be sending out to sell this collection: This letter is being written to you to suggest a way to enhance the trust and regard of the elected officials of the government of Suriname. As wealth grows in Suriname, there will be a compelling expansion of local cultural institutions such as museums and universities. Who understands this better than you having seen it in Texas, Oklahoma, Trinidad, Nigeria, Western Canada, Russia, Alaska, Qatar, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi during the last 50 years. Prices for great Texana have increased over 100 times during the last 40 years as an example. The artist-naturalist Maria Sibylla Merian traveled to Suriname in 1699 to paint the extraordinary natural history wonders of the Dutch colony. She was the first European artist of the Western Hemisphere and the first great woman natural history artist. Vast research has been done on this great woman artist and a movie about her life is currently in production. Merian’s work in watercolor and engraving remains the height of artistic expression worldwide. A wing of a museum devoted to Suriname's first documented woman artist would be a powerful way to cement a sophisticated legacy of art and science that goes back over 325 years. Our collection of Maria Merian works, which has been painstakingly curated and researched over the last 30 years, would demonstrate sophisticated empathy toward their citizens. Collecting Merian’s work is not a modern pursuit alone. Czar Peter the Great of Russia was one of her biggest admirers, and when she died in 1717, he sent an agent to buy much of her estate. What we have assembled rivals the Merian collections built by national museums such as those in St. Petersburg and the British Museum in London. Our Merian corpus, valued at $2,461,250 before your discovery in Suriname, presents an opportunity for tremendous value growth. This unique cultural body of work is particularly appealing for those with natural resource interests in and around Suriname, offering financial and cultural rewards. There are over 300 examples of her works of art in our collection. With great regard and thanks for your consideration of this proposal, Graham Arader 1016 Madison Avenue, NYC, NY, 10075 grahamarader@gmail.com
