How smart is it to compete against people that is smarter than you? Here is a way to make 500k a year for the rest of your life.

In a world where people are crazy smart all over the globe and ALL of them want to come to NYC to make $, you are wise to focus on areas where your competition is NOT as smart as these Harvard Business School geniuses. Go for areas where there is NO NO NO NO NO competition that is smart, honest, experienced and incredibly hard working. That is a waste of time - you are going to get crushed no matter what. It is impossible to beat someone with an IQ of 160. NOT EVER. compete in areas that have ONLY ONLY ONLY dumb, dishonest, lazy scumbags. That is what I did and made 1b relatively easy. I put 8 of them in prison for selling me stolen material and outworked and out studied them. They are all gone now. These Rummell college views are a gold mine and can provide you with a stream of income for the rest of your life with a little bit of work now. Talk to your friends in social media. EVERYONE is proud of the college they attended if it is in the top 50. This should be easy for you. Find 500k and you can have the best 24 college views and make that much on them every year for the rest of your life. You should EASILY be able to make 25k a year on each of the 24 best colleges. You get all our sources, research and existing web sites I am an old man at the end of his life. Take advantage of me please
