Ken Burns address to the graduating class at Brandeis University uses long words to gloss over the core reason for our existence in the USA

Ken Burns gave a great performance. It was entertaining. Just too dreamy for me USA is 3% of the population but we use 34% of the world's resources creating 30% of the pollution. Of course we have to fight and kill others to keep it that way. And those "others" especially the Russians and Chinese know this clearly and are enraged. They are doing everything they can to get more for their people who dont live nearly as well as we do. My dark, wicked heart loves this amazing privilege of being a US citizen where most of the other 97% of the world population serves me. It has been a great life for me but it is at the expense of others. To me this is the central realization and Burns completely misses this with endless 4 syllable words about being a "good" person. Exhausting and brutally repecitive. Our basic premise is that the rest of the world serves us. And I admit to being selfish to want to preserve this.
