The importance of Natural History illustration to the Nations of the World. Who will preserve great natural history illustration.

So without spending a great deal of money creating interest the only real buyers at this time are the Nations of the world that feel that natural history illustration is worth preserving. The template for them is the Natural History Museum in London and the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. Saud bin Muhammed Al Thani in Qatar spent over $500 million in this field and his collection will eventually be part of their Natural History Museum in Doha. I have arranged for 400m in gifts to American Universities during the last 40 years and have developed tepid interest with occasional graded papers being generated. The best argument to the Presidents of these 3900 institutions is the letter that America's greatest University President wrote to me. This was Don Kennedy, President of Stanford from 1980 to 1992. Sadly he passed away before we could get started but words ring true: Don Kennedy Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 5:47 PM To: graham arader Dear Graham: I very much appreciated your willingness to have a long and useful conversation with me!! I want to proceed promptly lining up some of the people here at Stanford who should be made aware of your collection and what it offers to science and students, as well as a brilliant art collection. I have been thinking about the best ways of communicating the opportunities for our faculty and students. In that connection, I know that you and your colleagues have prepared a book that can provide a valuable asset for students and others who may need enhanced guidance as they explore and learn from the exhibits. Can you tell me how to access these, and/or plan to bring some with you to assist in explaining the intellectual and scholarly support that the collection will bring? Many thanks for your interest; it is a pleasure to know you, and I look forward to our future efforts together. All the best Don So the best step is to attend conventions of Natural History Museum directors and curators where the interest will already be strong. I have weak interest in going after young people myself. The distraction of Apple machines is too great for me to overcome. For Australia the goal seems to me to select a University to be your National Center for the study of the illustration of the Natural World. And then find professors willing to use the material culture to generate graded papers.
