The question every Jewish person or person with a heart will be asked 20 to 50 years from now.

20 to 50 years from now everyone will ask "Where were you when this terrible war in Gaza occurred?" It will be the definition of anyone who thinks they have a heart or a brain. Why is this not obvious to all young people? Even if you are cleaning toilets, you should be there to demonstrate support. Are our children so entitled that they cannot think clearly?  Is it the laced marijuana they are using? Is it the false security of their parent's wealth? It will be the great question then. If you dont have a heart and accumulating wealth drives you, then here is the cold fact you will face 20 to 50 years from now: If you were in Israel, doors will fly open and you will make money. If you were not, you will have to come up with an inexcusible excuse that no one will accept and you will have to find another way to make money. And you will nash your teeth for being so dumb.
