Thoughts for a caring father from Atlanta whose daughter is going to William and Mary

William and Mary is in the top 20 in my view. Your daghter will develop serious communication skills. But all this talk is wasted UNLESS she gets to know at least 2 if not 3 professors well. That is a huge benefit that most students completely miss. Ask her every month about her progress in this regard. She should ambush them and sit with them at lunch and dinner. Keep the pressure on her. Also some involvement with Colonial Williamsburg would be worthwhile. Another avenue of attack is to have her give $1000 to the head of fundraising at W & M. She should say that she loves the school and wants to be the "face" of the school at alumni events. Usually the head of advancement is the 2nd most powerful official at any University. The contacts she makes will be priceless. And if there ever is an "issue," it will be resolved in her favor quickly. Atlanta's move to embrace blacks started with Mayor Ivan Allen's pronouncements from the back of his pick up truck in 1961. You live in the most successful city for integration ever. So impressive. Very special and our only option. This email introduces you to my amazing daughter, Josephine, mother of two of my grandchildren and director of my best gallery in St. Helena, CA. She is the daughter and granddaughter of two of the most magnificent women that ever lived in Atlanta. I am so proud of her!!! Audubons are wonderful to collect and have been a passion of mine for 60 years.
