Why dont well educated people cherish much less know about great Natural History Watercolors - my email to the best collection on the Pacific Rim of this genre.

It has been disappointing that less than 1/100 of 1 percent of capable people know about the natural history watercolors that have consumed me for 58 years.  Of course the good news is that this keeps prices ridiculously low compared to other genres.  But from 1500 to 1900 most well educated people did know and cherish them.  What happened?  Was it Steve Job's horrible machines that stole the curiosity of children all over the world? Yes, but what else? Lou Weis is a creative genius as gifted as anyone.  So there is a small chance that he will be able to make a difference.   We would greatly appreciate receiving your input on ways to expand interest in the field that we both enjoy so much.  Thank you for considering this request Truly Graham 
