Why Oakwell in Villanova, Pennsylvania was sold over 30 years ago. And a brief introduction to the house that replaced it 4 years ago which you are welcome to visit.

After my first wife rightly divorced me for philandering, I moved into Oakwell at 1835 County Line Road expecting a grand single life entertaining as many maidens as possible. My rude, stinging shock was the lingering spirits of my four young children who now had moved to Middleburg, Virginia so my wife could be with her lover and ride horses we could not afford.  Every time one of their rooms was entered the tears would start uncontrollably flowing.  So the house was sold to stop that searing pain.  30 years later a property just as fine at 1260 County Line Road about a mile away became available for $1,700,000. It was purchased and renovated for $3,500,000 with the paneling from J P Morgan's home in NYC on 34th Street and Madison Avenue.   And a thousand rare conifers - spruce, pine, hemlock, cyprus, cedar, chamaecyparis most over 20 feet tall were planted.   So it now is the finest home in the Delaware Valley and well worth a visit someday. Nothing is even close because a very dear friend gave me brilliant, priceless advice regarding this process. Thank you Tim.
