
Showing posts from July, 2024

The 1754 Scull and Heap plan of Philadelphia - where the story of the American Revolution begins

Map theives - only by working 16 hours a day every day for 40 years was I able to survive their depredations.

Why Oakwell in Villanova, Pennsylvania was sold over 30 years ago. And a brief introduction to the house that replaced it 4 years ago which you are welcome to visit.

How smart is it to compete against people that is smarter than you? Here is a way to make 500k a year for the rest of your life.

The importance of Natural History illustration to the Nations of the World. Who will preserve great natural history illustration.

Why dont well educated people cherish much less know about great Natural History Watercolors - my email to the best collection on the Pacific Rim of this genre.

Advice to a student entering his first year at the University of Pennsylvania where my father was a trustee for 45 years!!!

My letter to a new collector who was abused by a disreputable auction house

The only way for an auction house to make money:

Thoughts for a caring father from Atlanta whose daughter is going to William and Mary

Ken Burns address to the graduating class at Brandeis University uses long words to gloss over the core reason for our existence in the USA

A very interesting man asks who Julius Bien was and why he came to America.

My response to a brilliant Catholic proselytiser who invited me to Mass.

My excuse for being a fair father, husband, teacher, mentor, donor, conservator to a dear friend who has suggested that my heart be opened to a confusing event.

A way to get a 100 times return on your money in the near future.

The question every Jewish person or person with a heart will be asked 20 to 50 years from now.

My thoughts about moving right into the Lion's jaws - Abu Dhabi